Resource Library: Nutrition

Jewelled Relish recipe

Resource Library: Nutrition

Welcome to the Resource Library!

This exclusive area is for paying clients only. It’s where you’ll be able to download resources to help you on your journey back to health. You’ll need to type in a password, which I will have provided you with. If you’ve lost your password, drop me a line.

This part of the resource library is dedicated to recipes and nutrition advice.

If you need to go to the section on lifestyle advice, click here

General Dietary Advice

You’ll find downloads and links featuring dietary advice here.

The Real Food Lifestyle is a poster created by the Public Health Collaboration. It’s a great way to try to remember which foods to focus on. It’s backed up by the best nutrition science. You can download it here.

Protected: Low Salicylate Food
Protected: Low Salicylate Food

This PDF lists foods with negligible, low and medium salicylate levels. Where available, it also lists whether a food is low, medium, high, very high, or extremely high in oxalates. Foods that are not compliant with the autoimmune protocol diet are highlighted. And there is some guidance on the fermentation potential of most of the foods on the list (see the Fast Tract Diet for more information on fermentation potential if you have a microbial overgrowth in your gut).

Protected: Eat Liver

Liver is the most nutrient-dense food I have ever come across. Absolutely packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, even just a bit of liver added to your diet regularly can give your nutrition a huge boost. For those that struggle with the strong taste, you can swallow liver capsules containing freeze-dried, non-defatted, exclusively grass-fed beef liver and get the same benefits from it.

Size: 33 KB
Version: v1.0
Published: 20th August 2019
Protected: Benefits of Bone Broths
Protected: Benefits of Bone Broths

This handout provides some information on why it’s a good idea to include good quality bone broths in your diet. It also helps you to work out how to choose the best quality joints and bones to make your bone broth with.

Size: 2.2 MB
Version: v1.0
Published: 6th August 2019
Protected: Eat Shellfish
Protected: Eat Shellfish

Before I started learning about nutrition I had no idea how nutrient-dense shellfish were. Although they’re not for everyone, if you can include shellfish in your diet you’ll be introducing some of the best sources of protein, vitamins and even some novel nutrients that possess drug-like effects.

Size: 3.7 MB
Version: v1.0
Published: 20th August 2019
Protected: Poultry and meat

Have you heard that meat isn’t all that nutritious? I’ve heard this fairly frequently. But when I’ve looked at the research it’s very clear that all types of meat, fish, shellfish and poultry are extremely nutritious. You can learn more about some of the benefits of eating meat from this handout. Although I’ve written even more about some of the nutrients that you get from different types of meats in my blogs here  and here

Size: 33KB
Version: v1.0
Published: 22nd November 2019
Protected: Benefits of having a handful of nuts and seeds
Protected: Benefits of having a handful of nuts and seeds

If you can tolerate nuts and seeds then they can be a great source of nutrition. But of course, they can also be very moreish, which is why a handful a day is enough. This leaflet explains some of their benefits.

Size: 1.8 MB
Version: v1.1
Published: 12th August 2019
Protected: The Benefits of D-Ribose
Protected: The Benefits of D-Ribose

This handout provides information on the sugar, D-ribose, how it can benefit you, and how much to take.

Size: 48 KB
Version: v1.0
Published: 19th August 2019
Protected: Drink mistletoe tea
Protected: Drink mistletoe tea

This handout provides the rationale for including mistletoe tea in your diet. Despite having a reputation for toxicity, there is actually very little research that mistletoe causes toxic symptoms. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. It’s possible that mistletoe tea might help people with gadolinium toxicity.

Size: 594 KB
Published: 19th August 2019
Protected: How To Ensure You Benefit From Supplements
Protected: How To Ensure You Benefit From Supplements

This short book takes a deep dive into the importance of great nutrition to ensure that you get the most from your supplements. But also how important it is to have balanced nutrition to try to reduce your risk of developing side effects from supplements. It focuses on protein in particular, and some of its important roles in the body.

Size: 2.2 MB
Version: v1.0
Published: 4th August 2019
Protected: Your Guide To Eating Well

This is a pretty good booklet describing healthy eating principles. It’s slightly out of date when it comes to red meat and saturated fat, but otherwise, it’s great.

Size: 18.6MB
Version: v1.0
Published: 6th September 2019
Protected: Batch cooking, leftovers and meal planning

This handout is all about why you should start meal planning and batch cooking. And leftovers don’t have to be boring either. I’ve got some advice on how to make them more interesting the next day.

Version: v1.0
Published: 22nd November 2019
Protected: Meal planning and inspiration journals

Meal planning can be pretty important if you’re busy and trying to eat healthily. It’s important to try to minimise or even completely avoid convenience foods whenever you can. This handout provides advice that will help you prioritise meal planning.

Size: 37KB
Version: v1.0
Published: 22nd November 2019
Protected: Why you should eat seaweed

Depending on where you live, seaweed might already be part of your diet. It’s very popular in coastal parts of the world. And for good reason. Discover why you should include some seaweed in your diet here.


There are already a few other recipes in my blog posts on the main page, which everyone can view. I’ll keep updating them, as I (gradually) find the time to write more blogs. So don’t forget to check those out as well.

Protected: Autoimmune Protocol Compliant Recipes
Protected: Autoimmune Protocol Compliant Recipes

Here are some Autoimmune Protocol compliant recipes to help provide you with guidance and inspiration.

These are only for my clients, so they are password-protected.

Size: 28 MB
Version: v1.0
Published: 2nd August 2019
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